About the Campaign
It’s no secret that public schools in the U.S. are severely lacking. To address this, Representative Jamaal Bowman and Senator Ed Markey have introduced the Green New Deal for Public Schools Act. By investing $1.6 trillion in future generations, a GND for Public Schools would create historic investments in a just, climate-safe education system, create 1.3 million good-paying jobs, and reduce carbon emissions by 78 million metric tons each year!

Send a letter to your member of Congress urging them to co-sponsor the bill:
More About the Bill:

Climate + Community Project MEMO: Funding a Green New Deal for Public Schools
Public schools are central to America’s deeply held ideals—they are where we incubate democracy and cultivate empathy. They are the centers of our communities. But our public schools are not the temples to these ideals that they should be.