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Press Release


September 4, 2024

CONTACT: Kaniela Ing;; (808) 276-2990

Kayla Gaines at; (202) 709-2762

Advocates Release Unity 2025 to Counter Project 2025

Key players in winning the Inflation Reduction Act introduce a “sensible and popular” policy agenda for the next President

Washington D.C.— Today, the Green New Deal Network together with Gen Z for Change, Climate and Community Project, and the Sunrise Movement released The Unity Agenda to provide the next President of the United States with a sensible, popular plan to reunite America.

The platform is made up of policies that are popular across party lines that lower the cost of living for working people, create millions of union jobs, and promote peace and democracy across the US and abroad.

It runs in sharp contrast to the extreme, dangerous ideas that billionaires and Washington elites are promoting in Project 2025 that would pollute our communities, weaken our economy, and threaten our freedoms in service of profit for an elite few.

“Kamala Harris has sparked newfound joy and excitement among voters, but critical populations remain skeptical. These younger, highly informed, but disaffected voters are sick of extreme partisanship and want to see a popular, needs-based plan of action,” said Kaniela Ing, National Director at the Green New Deal Network. “Concerts and celebrity endorsements arenʻt enough to attract the masses who mobilized around Bernie 2020 and the George Floyd protests. We need to see a concrete plan that puts our communities first.”

“Everyone deserves a good union job, clean air, and a comfortable home. The Right’s Project 2025 would strip away the rights and core public services of Americans everywhere. In contrast, Unity 2025 sets forward a winning agenda that greens our economy and lowers the cost of living,” said Johanna Bozuwa, Executive Director of Climate and Community Project.

In 2020, progressive groups mobilized around Build Back Better, and ultimately helped enact the Inflation Reduction Act, which was historic but left $3 trillion on the table. They describe Unity 2025 as outlining how the next president can “finish the job.”

Since the DNC, Kamala Harris has been criticized by her opponents of lacking policy focus in her campaign for President. Since the RNC, Donald Trump’s policies have been criticized as being too extreme and corporatist.

About the Green New Deal Network:

The Green New Deal Network serves as the central hub for the Green New Deal movement, uniting a growing coalition of national groups across various sectors. Over the past four years, the network has built a strong state infrastructure comprising over 600 organizations and millions of members across 23 states. The coalition drives campaigns for transformative investments in climate, care, jobs, and justice. Following the successful advocacy for the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021 and 2022, the network shifted its focus to ensuring these laws deliver tangible benefits to communities most affected by the climate crisis. In 2023, they leveraged these new laws to help pass 13 major state-level climate laws, and are now working on shaping climate policy for the next Congress and President.

*Disclaimer: Unity 2025 is 501c3 compliant project that is not intended to influence electoral activities or outcomes. Climate and Community Project is a 501c3 and does not engage in electoral activity. Green New Deal Network, Gen Z for Change, and Sunrise Movement have 501c4 capacities and may engage in electoral work as applicable by law.*