Our Food Supply is in Danger

As the planet heats up, the delicate balance that sustains our agriculture is breaking down. Many delicacies like coffee and chocolate can already only thrive in specific climates. The rapid changing of the world climate will dramatically shift and might even fully eliminate those climates, driving those crops to extinction.
But it’s not just delicacies; staple crops like wheat, corn, and rice are feeling the impact too. As the climate crisis escalates, we will see food prices rise, leading to an increase in hunger, starvation, and malnutrition around the globe.
The solution is simple: we must end our reliance on fossil fuels, and build a clean, renewable energy economy.
Video Story: Check out our full video on a Green New Deal for food and agriculture
Our food systems have a critical role to play: 10% of America’s emissions come from agriculture. By changing the way we grow crops, and especially by growing more crops locally, we can not only reduce emissions, but help to end hunger and starvation across the nation.
13% of Americans across the US live in food deserts: neighborhoods with no fresh produce available. By growing more of our produce locally in community gardens, we could ensure access to healthy fruits and vegetables in communities that have been long deprived of them.