The overlapping economic, social, and climate crises everyday Americans are facing require big solutions – so big, we need the full weight of the federal government delivering for the people.
Over the past 5 years, our movement has secured hundreds of billions of dollars in climate and environmental justice investments from the federal government.

Now, the movement for a Green New Deal is working at all levels of government to make sure these dollars make it to the most impacted communities in the form of clean public transit, green and affordable homes, union jobs with livable wages, and more.

Organizing Opportunities

How States can Flex Federal Funding from Highways to Green Transit
There are billions of dollars available for transportation. States can shift or flex these funds away from polluting highway projects towards sustainable transit. Our latest report outlines how.

How Cities Can Use Federal Direct Pay Funds for Progressive Priorities
The IRA includes Direct Pay tax credits that have the potential to bring nearly unlimited funding for clean energy projects. Our latest report, in collaboration with the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center, outlines how.
Direct Pay for Cities: Chicago Report

Request Technical Assistance on Direct Pay from the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center: